The time series plot and data summary below present statistics on sea ice extent within eastern Bering Sea computed from the remote sensing data from NOAA/NSIDC on PolarWatch:
Mean (1991-2020): Represents the average sea ice extent from 1991-2020.
Upper and Lower Bounds of Error Band (1991-2020): Reflect the uncertainty of the Mean.
Current and Previous Year: Show the daily sea ice extent values for the current and previous year within the area.
Plots are interactive!
To zoom in and out, reset or download the plot, hover on the plot to see the option on the top right corner.
To turn on and off data series, click on the data series title in the legend located below each plot.
Sea ice extent daily time series
# Set plot colorsplot_colors =c("#318CE7", "#F08080", "#94C973", "#cccccc", "#cccccc", "#cccccc")xaxis <-list(title ="Dates (MM-DD)",type ='category', # Ensures correct ordering without converting to full date formattickformat ="%m-%d", # Display ticks in mm-dd formatcategoryorder ="array", # Custom order for the x-axiscategoryarray = month_day_order, # Sort month_day as a categoryshowline =TRUE,showgrid =FALSE,tickwidth =1,ticklen =2 )yaxis <-list(title ="Square km",showgrid =TRUE,zeroline =FALSE,showline =TRUE,showticklabels =TRUE,autorange =TRUE)# Define horizontal line specs (total area)hline <-function(y =0, color ="black") {list(type ="line",x0 =0,x1 =1,xref ="paper",y0 = y,y1 = y,line =list(color = color, dash="dot") )}thisyear_label =paste(lastyear,"/", lastyear+1)lastyear_label =paste(lastyear-1, "/", lastyear)anom_lastyear_label =paste("Anomaly: ", substr(lastyear-1,3, 4), "/", substr(lastyear, 3,4))anom_thisyear_label =paste("Anomaly: ", substr(lastyear,3, 4), "/", substr(lastyear+1, 3,4))
Data: Sea ice extent was computed by PolarWatch using NOAA/NSIDC daily sea ice concentration data at a 25km resolution
Sea ice extent anomalies
Users can click on the data names in the legend to toggle it on and off.
Data: Sea ice extent anomalies were computed by PolarWatch using NOAA/NSIDC daily sea ice concentration data at a 25km resolution
Annualized Sea ice extent time series (1985-2024)
Data: Sea ice extent anomalies were computed by PolarWatch using NOAA/NSIDC monthly sea ice concentration data at a 25km resolution
Data and Methods
The data sources and calculation methods can be found on the methods page. (Methods).
Data Disclaimer
The extent values for this year are computed using near real-time data, while the science-quality data (Climate Data Record, or CDR) is still being processed and will be available at a later time.
Data may be missing or corrupted in the event of technical failures with sensors or ground stations.
Please check the data log or contact us at for further information.
Daily Sea ice extent data downloads
Baseline daily extent time series (1991-2020) Data - Metadata
Near-real-time daily extent of two recent years Data - Metadata
Annual mean extent time series (1985-2024) Data - Metadata
Daily sea ice concentration from near-real-time (NRT) Link to Portal
Daily sea ice concentration from Climate Data Record (CDR) Link to Portal